Your Chubb Premier Travel Cover is especially designed for Cathay Pacific customers by Cathay Pacific through Chubb Insurance Limited.
You can purchase Your Chubb Premier Travel Cover by adding it to Your Cathay Pacific itinerary when purchasing a ticket for an international flight departing from New Zealand through
Yes. Chubb Premier Travel Cover offers cover to persons aged up to and including sixty-five (65) years of age. To be eligible to purchase the cover, You must be at least 18 years old and not over sixty-five years old.
Chubb Premier Travel Cover One Way Trip and Round Trip includes cover for Loss of Deposits and Cancellation Charges, Luggage, Travel Documents and Money Benefits and Additional Benefits such as Personal Liability.
Round Trip also includes cover for Overseas Emergency Medical and Dental Expenses and Rental Vehicle Excess. Please read the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording for a list of full description of the terms, conditions and exclusions of cover.
You can download the Policy Wording here:
Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording.
No, Your Chubb Premier Travel Cover does not provide cover for claims arising from most sporting activities. Please refer to the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording for full terms, conditions and exclusions which apply.
You can purchase one Policy to cover You and Your Travelling Companion provided You are travelling together on the Journey or One Way Trip.
Yes, you can purchase Chubb Premier Travel Cover if you have a Pre-Existing Medical Condition. However, claims arising from Pre-Existing Medical Conditions are excluded, unless the Pre-Existing Medical Condition falls within the list of approved medical conditions set out in Section 6 of the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition(s) means:
(a) any physical defect, condition, illness or disease for which treatment, medication or advice (including investigation) has been received or prescribed by a Doctor or dentist prior to the Issue Date of the Policy; or
(b) a condition, the manifestation or symptoms of which a reasonable person in the circumstances would be expected to be aware at the Issue Date.
No. A medical examination is not required. However, please note that claims arising from Pre-Existing Medical Conditions are excluded under Chubb Premier Travel Cover, except claims arising from the approved Pre-Existing Medical Conditions set out in Section 6 of the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording. Please see FAQ 8 for more information.
No, there is no option to pay extra to obtain cover for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions under Chubb Premier Travel Cover.
No, there is no option under Chubb Premier Travel Cover to increase the cover provided for luggage, or any of the other benefits.
Yes - We regard these items as personal effects, but You must make sure they are not already insured by the owner - who can claim on their own policy. There is also a sublimit which applies for Electronic Equipment. Cover is subject to terms and conditions, limits and exclusions as set out in the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording.
Yes, they are covered under the Chubb Premier Travel Cover policies, subject to the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions as set out in the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording.
No, any unaccompanied luggage or items sent under the provisions of any freight contract are not covered unless transported by the carrier with whom You are travelling and arranged in conjunction with Your travel ticket.
No, cover for claims for loss or damage arising from confiscation by customs, or other officials or authorities is excluded.
If luggage is not left in the car overnight, certain luggage items will be covered if forced entry has been gained and they have been stolen. A Police report is required within the 24 hours of the theft. Cover is not provided for jewelery, camera and video camera equipment, sound equipment, mobile phones or portable computer equipment left unattended in a motor vehicle at any time, even if left in the boot of a car.
Yes, You are allowed to make changes to Your Policy at any stage before You commence Your trip, as long as you have not made or are not entitled to make a claim during this period. This amendment may result in increased premiums. Please contact Chubb for more information.
You can purchase Chubb Premier Travel Cover even if You are not New Zealander and/or do not live in New Zealand as long as you have purchased a ticket from Cathay Pacific for an international flight departing from New Zealand.
Yes, You could claim for these travel cancellation expenses due to unforeseen circumstances, subject to the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions of the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording. *
If You are travelling under Round Trip and You are in need of emergency medical assistance, please contact Chubb Assistance directly at +64 9 374 1774.
For all other travel insurance inquiries from New Zealand please contact Chubb, using the following contact details:
Telephone: 0800 326 744
Facsimile: (02) 9335 3467
Please download the Claim Form and fax or post the duly completed Claim Form, together with all supporting documents, to the fax number or address stated in the Claim Form.
Chubb Insurance strives to ensure all claims are processed within 7 days after the claim and all the required documents have been submitted.
All claims must be submitted to Chubb Insurance within 30 days after the Event giving rise to the claim, together with the supporting documents, unless this is not reasonably possible. Your failure to furnish Us with notice within the time provided under Your Policy will not invalidate any claim, but We may reduce Our liability under the Policy to the extent to which We have suffered any prejudice due to such failure.
*Cover is provided subject to all terms, conditions and exclusions of the Chubb Premier Travel Cover Policy Wording, which You should read prior to purchasing the Policy to ensure it suits your needs.